You can create amazing project with Misty and Arduino even without the Arduino Backpack!
Instead of the Arduino Backpack, you can use an Arduino UNO as the board to record data and send information to Misty.
To make Arduino UNO work with Misty are necessary two connections: Serial signal and power
For the Serial signal, those are the connections:
Misty 3.3V to Arduino 3.3V (red)
Misty GND to Arduino GND (black)
Misty RX to Arduino Digital pin 1 (tx→) (yellow)
Misty TX to Arduino Digital pin 0 (rx←) (green)
You can make these connections even using a breadboard, it's not mandatory to do them straight to the Arduino UNO pins.
The USB port in the back of Misty will give power to the board, so you can use the cable with which you upload the Arduino code from your computer to Arduino.
And you're ready to go!
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