👋Misty wave back

Misty can find you and react to your movements!

In this skill, Misty uses two onboard AI Capabilities

  1. Object Detection

  2. Human Pose Estimation

Object Detection is used to make Misty look at the closest person. For this specific skill, I only wanted Misty to find Human. Hence I specifically look for the 1st human object and ignore the rest.

Human pose estimation is used to detect the ~waving arm gesture. The event provides 16 keypoints per message like nose, eye, ear, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, ankle etc.. Using these keypoints, logic can be built to detect specific gestures.

In this case, the logic will be:

Elbow is lower than Shoulder && Shoulder is lower than Wrist

This project will only work in the Misty Desktop Environment because we will modify the events file, exactly like we did for the QR code detector.

Open the folder containing the Python-SDK that you use for the desktop environment. The folder should look like this one.

Open the folder MistyPy, open the file Events.py in Visual Studio code and modify the Events class to add the PoseEstimation Event.

Now you're ready to use Misty's Human Pose Estimation capabilities in Python.


Since Misty will have to track your face, including some constants about Misty's head's maximum range of movements will be necessary.

Python code

from mistyPy.Robot import Robot
from mistyPy.Events import Events
import time
import math
import random

# Initialize Misty
misty = Robot("YOUR_ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS")
misty.change_led(0, 255, 0)
misty.move_head(0, 0, 0)

# Constants
yaw_left = 81.36
yaw_right = -85.37
pitch_up = -40.10
pitch_down = 26.92

# Variables
curr_head_pitch = 0
curr_head_yaw = 0
waving_now = False
person_width_history = [0, 0, 0, 0]

#Event handler for getting the current head position
def curr_position(data):
    global curr_head_pitch, curr_head_yaw
    if data["message"]["sensorId"] == "ahp":
        curr_head_pitch = data["message"]["value"]
    if data["message"]["sensorId"] == "ahy":
        curr_head_yaw = data["message"]["value"]

def get_pos():
    misty.register_event(event_name="get_curr_position", event_type= Events.ActuatorPosition, keep_alive= True, callback_function=curr_position)

#Event handler for analyzing the human pose
def human_pose(data):
    global waving_now
    print("starting pose estimation")
    keypoints = data["message"]["keypoints"]
    # 5,6- Shoulder 7,8- Elbow  9,10- Wrist 

    if (waving_now == False):
        #left hand
        if (confident(keypoints[7]) and confident(keypoints[5]) and confident(keypoints[9])):
            if (pair_correlation(keypoints[7],keypoints[5]) and pair_correlation(keypoints[5],keypoints[9])):
                if (scale_valid(keypoints[7],keypoints[5])):
                    waving_now = True
        #right hand
        elif (confident(keypoints[8]) and confident(keypoints[6]) and confident(keypoints[10])):
            if (pair_correlation(keypoints[8],keypoints[6]) and pair_correlation(keypoints[6],keypoints[10])):
                if (scale_valid(keypoints[8],keypoints[6])):
                    waving_now = True

# Functions helper for the human pose
def scale_valid(keypoint_one, keypoint_two):
    x_offset = keypoint_one["imageX"] - keypoint_two["imageX"]
    y_offset = keypoint_one["imageY"] - keypoint_two["imageY"]
    return math.sqrt(x_offset**2 + y_offset**2) > 60

def confident(data):
    return data["confidence"] >= 0.6

def pair_correlation(keypoint_one, keypoint_two):
    return keypoint_one["imageY"] > keypoint_two["imageY"]

def wave_back(arm):
    global waving_now
    if arm == "left":
        print("Waving back left")
        misty.transition_led(0, 90, 0, 0, 255, 0, "Breathe", 800)
        misty.move_arms(80, -89)
        misty.move_arms(80, 0)
        misty.move_arms(80, -89)
    else :
        print("Waving back right")
        misty.transition_led(90, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, "Breathe", 800)
        misty.move_arms(-89, 80)
        misty.move_arms(0, 80)
        misty.move_arms(-89, 80)

    misty.transition_led(0, 40, 90, 0, 130, 255, "Breathe", 1200)
    misty.move_arms(random.randint(70, 89), random.randint(70, 89))
    waving_now = False

# Human pose estimation event
def start_human_pose_estimation():
    misty.start_pose_estimation(0.2, 0, 1)
    misty.register_event(event_name="pose_estimation", event_type=Events.PoseEstimation, keep_alive= True, callback_function= human_pose)

#Event handler for analyzing person detection
def person_detection(data):
    if data["message"]["confidence"] >= 0.6:
        print("person detected")
        width_of_human = data["message"]["imageLocationRight"] - data["message"]["imageLocationLeft"]
        # The first part checks if this measurement is the closest person and the second part checks if there is only one person that Misty can see
        if abs(width_of_human - min(person_width_history)) > abs(width_of_human - max(person_width_history)) or std_deviation(person_width_history) <= 40:
            x_error = (160.0 - (data["message"]["imageLocationLeft"] + data["message"]["imageLocationRight"]) / 2.0) / 160.0
            y_error = (160.0 - 1.4 * data["message"]["imageLocationTop"] + 0.2 * data["message"]["imageLocationBottom"]) / 160.0
            threshold = max(0.1, (341.0 - width_of_human) / 1000.0)

            actuate_to_yaw = curr_head_yaw + x_error * ((yaw_left - yaw_right) / 6.0) if abs(x_error) > threshold else None
            actuate_to_pitch = curr_head_pitch - y_error * ((pitch_down - pitch_up) / 3.0) if abs(y_error) > threshold else None
            if abs(curr_head_pitch - round(actuate_to_pitch)) > 11 or abs(curr_head_yaw - round(actuate_to_yaw)) > 11:
                misty.move_head(actuate_to_pitch, None, actuate_to_yaw)

# Functions helper for person detection
def std_deviation(array):
    mean_value = sum(array) / len(array)
    return math.sqrt(sum([(x - mean_value) ** 2 for x in array]) / len(array))

# Person tracking event
def start_person_tracking() :
    misty.start_object_detector(0.5, 0, 15)
    misty.register_event(event_name="person_detection", event_type= Events.ObjectDetection, callback_function=person_detection, keep_alive=True)

# Start program

In this code, every group of functions or variables is explained in their use.

As always the first steps are declaring the libraries, initializing the robot and the constants.

Right after it's used the same couple of functions are used in Misty follow human to get the current Misty's head's values.

Then you can find the logic behind the Human Pose Estimation event. These are the 16 keypoints that Misty can recognize:

  • NOSE(0)

  • LEFT_EYE(1)

  • RIGHT_EYE(2)

  • LEFT_EAR(3)

  • RIGHT_EAR(4)







  • LEFT_HIP(11)

  • RIGHT_HIP(12)

  • LEFT_KNEE(13)

  • RIGHT_KNEE(14)

  • LEFT_ANKLE(15)


Example of Data Received under each KeyPoint

bodyPart: 0 confidence: 0.3205725 imageX: 191 imageY: 253 pitch: 0.003858468 yaw: -0.126723886

After recognizing the logic it's time to animate Misty and you can modify it in the wave_back function.

In the person detection function the first part attempts to look just at the closest person when multiple people are in front of Misty, while the second adjusts Misty's head position.

The last lines of code start the whole program and keep it alive.

There are lots of magic numbers in the data received from these functions!
Play with it!

Last updated