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In this folder, you can find detailed information about the movement blocks and understand Misty's range of motion.
When you start building your first sequence with movement blocks, it's important to keep in mind that if you need to have a timed delay between each block, otherwise Misty won't have enough time to execute all of the action. You can set a delay using the timer block found in the 'Miscellanious' tab.
Misty's head has three ranges of motion head and the values are calculated in degrees.
The first one is the pitch, its range is -40 (Up) to 25 (Down) . It represents the front movement up and down of the head, as you can see in the first vector.
The second one is roll, its range is -42 (Left) to 42 (Right). It represents the side movement of the head, as you can see in the last doodle.
The thirds is yaw, its range is -90 (Left) to 90 (Right). It represents the lateral movement of the head, right to left, as you can see in the second vector.
The last parameter to set is the speed with which Misty will achieve that position. Its range is [1,100].
Misty has the possibility to move her arms on one singular plane. The values are also in degrees.
The range of Misty's arms is -90 (Up) to 90 (Down). The velocity parameter is the speed that Misty will use to achieve that position with a range between 1 and 100.
The drive block allows you to move Misty forward or backward at a specific speed.
When using this block, it's important to understand how linear velocity (speed in a straight line) and angular velocity (speed and direction of rotation) work together:
Linear velocity (-100) and angular velocity (0) = driving straight backward at full speed.
Linear velocity (100) and angular velocity (0) = driving straight forward at full speed.
Linear velocity (0) and angular velocity (-100) = rotating clockwise at full speed.
Linear velocity (0) and angular velocity (100) = rotating counter-clockwise at full speed.
Linear velocity (non-zero) and angular velocity (non-zero) = Misty drives in a curve.
Linear velocity - A percent value that sets the speed for Misty when she drives in a straight line. The default value range is from -100 (full speed backward) to 100 (full speed forward).
Angular velocity- A percent value that sets the speed and direction of Misty's rotation. The default value range is from -100 (full-speed rotation clockwise) to 100 (full-speed rotation counter-clockwise).
The maximum speed achievable from misty is about 0.5m/s.
If the robot is not moving forward or backward, try to reboot it or refresh the interface.
Using a drive block with a timer allows you decide how long you want Misty to drive in a particular direction. While the timer is set in seconds, you can also write half of seconds and use the comma freely.
If you're not a fan of straight lines, you can drive Misty in an arc with the drive arc block. Here you need to calculate the amount of time you need to execute the whole arc depending on the heading and radius that you've chosen.
There are several parameters:
Heading - This is the absolute heading Misty should obtain when the arc is complete. To set the absolute heading, use either: 0 to 360, where 0 is straight ahead, 90 is directly to the left, 180 is straight behind, and 270 is directly to the right, or: -180 to 180, where 0 is straight ahead, 90 is directly to the left, 180 and -180 are straight backwards, and -90 is directly to the right.
Radius - The radius (in meters) of the arc.
Duration - The duration (in seconds) that Misty needs to execute the arc.
These two blocks control the movement and they are pretty self-explanatory, you will find that most Blockly language is. The first stops only the driving blocks and the second stops all other movement blocks . You can also use the 'Halt' button in the top right corner of Misty Studio to stop the program.
Note: We don't recommend using the halt button frequently. Misty's drive motors remain engaged after she stops moving and attempt to hold her in her current position. This can be useful when Misty needs to stop moving while she's on an incline; sending Halt keeps the motors engaged so that Misty does not roll down the slope. Stopping Misty's driving with the stop blocks should suffice under most circumstances and can prolong the life of your robot's drive motors.