🏫Blockly projects

If you want to challenge your students with Misty blockly programming this is the right page!

Object recognition

The first challenge for your students after they finish the Blockly lesson course is to create an Object recognition event with Misty entering in a routine and then recognizing at least two objects. In this case, we selected something that could be easily found in a classroom: a book and a person.

The first step is to create an initial Misty behaviour, like this one, including different faces, audio and colours to your Misty.

Then it's necessary to create the events that will handle the objects that your Misty will recognize.

For example, a book:

or a person:

Make sure that your Misty will have a unique reaction to each recognized object and now you're ready to call the object recognition event:

You can stop Misty's object detector after completing the recognition by enabling the grey block ("stop object detector") at the end of the event handler for each recognized item.

After this event, you can create new animations or interactions with Misty!

Check all Misty's known objects!

Dance party

This challenge involves Misty's NLP capabilities and her great skills in dancing and having fun!

In this challenge, Misty will have to learn which types of music/dance exist and also how to dance them!

For example, we selected Waltz and Headbang.

To make Misty learn which type of music/dance it's necessary to create a context that will train her AI capabilities to make her recognize the words in the sample label

And to make Misty learn how to dance describe what you want her to do with an action block! Don't forget to upload the music that Misty will play on the Explore>Expression page and then select it.

You need to run this blockly code before your next ones, in this way, even if Misty will not do anything she'll learn all that she needs for your skill!

Now it's time to create some interaction:

Use NLP blocks to build your very original conversation with Misty including your context in the first state and your actions in the next ones

After you run the code, also this block can be disabled because Misty will have learnt it.

If you want to apply changes to your structure feel free to keep it enabled and Misty will delete the previous conversation and create a new one with the same name.

When you're satisfied, you can use these blocks to run it!

Phrase recognition and random behaviour

With this latest challenge, your Misty will assume a random behaviour when suddenly woken up!

Also in this case is best to create a sequence of actions before the actual skill to create context.

In this case, Misty will pretend to sleep and she will extract a random number between 1 and 3, it will help us later.

We'll use the extracted number to select one of the three actions that Misty can do while she listens to the Misty word.

Then it's necessary to create functions that will handle every number:

And last but not least the listening event that, once heard the word, will assign to each number its action.

In this case, you cannot disable the functions because they are not memorized in Misty's memory as it was for the NLP.

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